River Falls

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Spring News and Announcements

🎓Congratulations River Falls Graduates!

Congratulations to Jordyn Bartholomew and her family. Jordyn will be graduating from Blessed Trinity Catholic High School this Saturday. This is a special milestone in your life and we wish you all the best as you decide whether to attend the University of Miami or University of Florida this Fall. Oh the places you will go...

🏊Pool Updates

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the pool is closed until further notice and appropriate signage has been posted at the pool. Fulton county has suspended pool inspections to grant permits that prohibits the opening of the pool; however, with the lifting of restrictions by Governor Kemp, we anticipate that Fulton County will begin pool inspections in the near future. Our pool service provider is in regular communication with Fulton County and will notify us of when that will be, and what other health measures will need to be put in place to safely open the pool. We will communicate with the community when the inspection/permit is obtained, what additional health measures will need to be put in place, and when it is safe for our community pool to open.

🎉Social Committee News

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic all social events for the community have been cancelled or postponed until it is safe, according to the health authorities, for the community to meet in group settings again.

👮Safety First!

  • School is almost out and a lot of kids due to school being held remotely are playing in the streets. In addition, we have a lot of residents who are getting exercise by walking the streets of our neighborhood. For everyone’s safety it is extremely important for everyone to please observe the speed and stop signs in the neighborhood.

  • Also, when out walking please remember to practice safe social distancing. We have neighbors who are in the high risk category who may be out taking a walk so please maintain the six feet distance recommended by the CDC.

  • As another safety precaution, you may wish to enter and exit the neighborhood through the electronic gates using your car fob, or take a disinfectant wipe with you to wipe down the handle when you enter or exit the pedestrian gates. The pedestrian gates are used by many residents and workers within the community and may not be totally sanitary.

  • Last but not least, if you notice suspicious activity or cars in the community please call Roswell police not the HOA.

🌻Spring Reminders

  • With Spring here and Summer soon to follow, many of you may be considering exterior home improvements such as painting, landscaping, and repairs to your homes. Please remember that all exterior modifications and repairs to your home or property must be requested and approved in advance before work begins. This is to avoid fines and or removal of the unapproved work. Forms are available on the Heritage Property website through Vantaca.

  • We all want to keep our neighborhood looking beautiful and desirable, so, we recommend power washing unsightly driveways and stucco once a year. We realize with the pandemic this might not appropriate at this time but you may want to get on the schedule of one of the following companies who have been recommended to us...

    Advanced Pressure Washing and Gutters and Brand Patterson, 404-977-3356 or Cbrand.patterson@gmail.com.

  • Last week Unique made some recommendations that we sent out by email on helping our lawns “green up.” For those who missed that email blast, it was recommended that we water our grassed areas three times a week for at least 15 minutes.

  • On the subject of landscaping, this is a polite reminder that it is a homeowners responsibility to remove dead stumps and renew/trim overgrown large trees and old shrubbery on their property.

  • Also, please remember, garbage cans are only allowed out the evening before pickup day and must be removed at the end of the pickup day. Please keep garbage cans out of sight except for these times to avoid fines. Empty pots, lawn chairs, garden hoses, toys, bicycles and sports equipment should also be kept out of sight when not in use, too. Thanks to all those residents who do.

  • Thinking of moving? Please notify your realtor that an approved for sale sign is the only sign allowed in yards. No others are allowed. Heritage Property Management should have details of the approved vendo

  • We love our furry residents, but please remember that dogs must be kept on a leash, and failure to pick up after your pet will result in fines.

    Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.